Unveiling the Inner Current of Your Heart

A Path to Embodying the Divine Feminine

A soft container to allow the gentle unfolding and unfurling of your heart.

  • Uncover Your Body's Intelligence

  • Embody Your Divine Feminine

  • Let Your Inner Current Be Your Compass

Honouring You

  • Your body has a wisdom and intelligence that is unique to you. By learning to listen to this innate wisdom through your intuitive senses, you can cultivate a powerful inner compass.

  • To embody your true Feminine essence and nature requires you to be guided by your intuition and inner governance in every action, experience and choice.

  • Wholeness ensues when you merge your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in a sacred union within.

  • In tending to the Inner Current, you can return and recalibrate your energy back to your centre and into the present moment.

How do you Unveil the Inner Current of Your Heart?

  • Gentle guided meditations and somatic processes will guide your journey and allow you the opportunity to softly explore and restore harmony to all aspects of your being.

  • Sometimes, it can be challenging to rest in the heart, in receptivity and in the flow of life when there are underlying obstructions in the Inner Current

  • Density and obstructions can occur in the Inner Current of your heart from unprocessed emotions, negative thought dispositions, and attachments to the outer world. By lovingly unveiling these subconscious aspects, we can expand into higher levels of our truth and consciousness. 

  • Through exploratory techniques and guided processes, you will be supported to connect and listen to your heart for guidance and bring harmony to your mental body.

  • The energy that will be created for the journey and in the space will allow an optimal frequency to support each participant’s heart expansion.

Meet Julia & Meredith






Skennars Head

Julia and Meredith share a passion for the path of the Divine Feminine, and they entrust this way of being and the art of deep listening to navigate their life’s path. Their passion extends to gently guiding women to cultivate a deep relationship with their Feminine essence, intuitive senses, and higher self.

With nurturing support, Julia and Meredith look forward to creating a soft container for you to uncover and unveil a gentle yet powerful way of being. A way of moving through the world with greater expansion, radiance and magnetism in all facets of your life.

Come Join Us..


Expanding Your Intuitive Heart

Join us for a free evening to uncover your intuitive senses and gently expand your heart.

Julia and Meredith will share two of their favourite practices from the Unveiling the Inner Current of Your Heart workshop before taking you through a nurturing, guided meditation.

Shortly after booking, you will receive a booking confirmation for the free evening via email.

Thursday, 20 February, 6.30- 8 pm

The Wellbeing Arc Collective

Skennars Head, NSW

At Full Capacity


Unveiling the Inner Current of Your Heart

Join us for a nourishing weekend exploring your Inner Current. Gentle guided meditations and somatic processes will guide our journey to softly explore and restore harmony to all aspects of your Divine Feminine being.

One can pay in full or pay a deposit of $150 and two instalments. If choosing to pay in instalments, please book in advance to allow sufficient time to complete the instalments prior to workshop commencement. Please utilise the button below for both payment options. Shortly after booking we will send you a welcome email containing further details about the course and the link to an intake form.

Investment: $540

Vegan and gluten free lunch, snacks, dessert and Australian-made tea are provided on both days.

Saturday 29 & Sunday 30 March, 9.30- 3.30 pm

The Wellbeing Arc Collective

Skennars Head, NSW

Please email Meredith and Julia at info@wellbeingarc.co should you have any questions.